Saturday, 8 June 2019

The Health Risks of Taking Tramadol while Pregnancy

The opioid drug like tramadol, when taken during pregnancy can harm the growing fetus in various ways. The misuse of tramadol one month prior to the conception or three months after conception increases the risks of congenital disability. These include:

         Hydrocephalus: In this condition, the build-up of the fluid in the brain of the baby leads to problems with mental health, physical difficulty in walking or urinary incontinence.

         Hypoplastic- in this birth defect the left side of the infant's heart does not pump oxygen-rich blood to the body of the infant.

In general, the use of tramadol can also increase the risks of
•    Low weight during the birth of the baby
•    Premature rupturing of the membranes
•    Spontaneous abortion in severe cases

Keeping these in mind an expectant mother should always consult a doctor before taking tramadol while pregnant before a woman takes tramadol, she should consider her own health and her unborn child's health too.

Alternatives to pain killers during pregnancy

If these pregnant women suffer from back pains, headaches, or muscle cramps, there are some natural remedies as an alternative to painkillers to relieve the pain. This includes:
•    Taking a warm bath
•    Using heat pads on the pain areas
•    Massage therapy
•    Eating a well-balanced nutritious diet
•    Attending a prenatal yoga or exercise program

Hence, it is recommended to take tramadol only under medical supervision in your pregnancy and post-pregnancy phase as well due to the adverse side effects. One dose of tramadol can last up to 2 days in your body. Hence, whether it is a small dose or a large dose, no drug should be taken without medical consultation and prescription.

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